Tag Archives: Spiral

Man Flu, TuTus and the Uni Bug

26 Apr

I can’t say I didn’t have good intentions with this blog, it was purely meant to be for my articles, but alas, I have been so preoccupied with work (of the fashion retail kind) and university (of the strain my eyes at 3AM kind), that I haven’t been doing a lot of writing. *Shucks* I’m sorry. So, I have since re-evaluated the life of Octave and have decided that I’m not going to wait for a fantastic story to come trotting onto my laptop, I’m just going to write.

Interesting fact of the day? My male friend has Man Flu (surprise surprise, it’s been raining, cue man flu-like symptoms), but when I suggest having a healthy dinner to boost his energy and vitamin intake, ya know, fight the bug and all, he says “nah babe, I’ll have some orange juice and chips, I’ll be fine, but I could do with a massage” aaaaaaand cue *raised eyebrow*

In other news, I found this fantastic little, hot pink skirt today at work, it’s sooooo cute, it’s got fabulous horizontal pleats with a kind of puffball effect. So, of course I tried it on, sadly, it looks like a tutu on me, needless to say I wont be buying it. However, here’s another one I found earlier that I might have to beg, buy, borrow or steal.

Dasha Puffball Mini in Pink

Failing this, I can resort to my old faithful. The Twist Stripe Tulip Skirt (two words, it ROCKS!)